The "Unattended Execution" add-on for Secret Ear Designer transforms our flagship product into a dynamic machine capable of autonomously generating earmold models. This powerful tool opens Secret Ear Designer, loads the ear scans, applies the template, saves the result and exports the finished models as STL files. There is no user interaction necessary. Where modelers used to be busy modeling, they can now dedicate themselves to quality assurance.

It is the customer's ERP system that triggers the Unattended Execution add-on. In the background the orders are processed. Modelings that are marked as successful by the system can be checked by the quality personnel with Secret Ear Viewer. Designs that are judged as failed by the system can be improved by modeling technicians using Secret Ear Designer. Even these failed automated modelings need not be redone from scratch but technicians will continue to benefit from the program's automation features.

No compromises. Your data remain secure. You have the flexibility to store all data either locally or in an online environment, whether it is within your on-premise network or in the cloud. The choice of data storage location, including scans, templates, modeling documents, and more, is entirely up to the customer.